The Hi Five Team involved cooks, chemical engineers, biotechnologists and every day consumers to come up with comments and ideas on the perfect taste for noodles. Moreover, the Hi Five Team travelled out to Asia, Europe and North America to visit factories, talk to experts and gain an insight into the driving factors of the industry. Today, Hi Five has its own special product formula that will emphasize the five finger tips product strategy that has been put into place. The first feedbacks that are being reverted to us prove our team right. Even though the Hi Five noodles product formula is a major asset of the company and herewith a secret, we would like to share some nutritional benefits of the product with an immediate effect on taste:



NO colouring reagents

NO artificial preservatives

NO sugar

LOW sodium level

NATURAL plant sources & - herbs

ENRICHED Vitamin A, Vitamine B series of Thiamine, Vitamin C, Vitamine E & Riboflavin

HIGH fiber content 


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Hi Five Noodles are proudly produced in Nigeria.